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Syncing and Merging Changes
Codux ensures that your computer always has the latest files from the selected branch you're on by regularly checking for new files and updates to sync. You'll be informed of the available updates directly on the Sync button at the top right of the UI.

Changes made to a branch will either need to be pulled to your computer if they were made by someone else, or pushed from your computer if they are yours. Changes remain in one branch until they are merged into others.
Sometimes you might need to pull and to push at the same time. The button shown above demonstrates this — there are two commits to pull and one to push. Each commit may contain multiple changes, and each change can be as small as a single character of text, or as big as the addition or removal of files.
If you created a new branch, you'll also see a cue that the branch isn't in the project's repository yet. You'll have to publish your branch before others will be able to see your work.

If this is a new project created in Codux, you'll also need to create a repository for the project. Codux will take care of all that for you – just follow the prompts.
Finally, you'll also need to pull new changes to the branch (if there are any) before you are able to push your changes. This ensures that there are no conflicts between the changes that you have made and the changes that others have made (see Handling Conflicts below).
Refer to this troubleshooting article if you can't sync changes for whatever reason.
Merging Changes From Another Branch
Sometimes you need to update your branch with file changes from another branch. For example, let's say that you created a branch based off of the main branch, and the next day someone updated that branch with changes that you want to incorporate into yours. Since in this situation the changes that you want in your branch are in a different one, you can't just pull the changes directly as you would if they were in the branch you're on.
To bring changes from another branch into yours, select Choose a branch to merge from in the top right menu.

This will open a popup where you can choose the branch to merge from.

Handling Conflicts
A conflict occurs when you pull changes that someone made to the same area that you made changes to. For example, if you've made changes to the same line of text or code as someone else, or you've made changes to a file that was deleted by them, a conflict will arise.
If there are conflicts, you'll be asked to either Accept Changes to override your changes with the changes that someone else already made, or to Ignore the conflict and return to your branch without making the commit.
When there is a conflict, you'll be notified with a popup dialogue like this:

Note that you won't be able to sync the project if you've ignored changes — it will only be possible to share your changes and to see new changes from others if you accept. To preserve your changes, create a new branch. When you do, your uncommitted changes will move to the new branch where you'll see the latest changes from others, and you'll no longer have any conflicts to resolve.
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