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Collaborating Through Pull Requests
If you've committed changes to a branch (one that you've pulled, or to a newly-published branch of your own), you'll eventually want to share your changes with others on your team, and to receive their feedback and review. You can do this by creating a pull request.
Creating Pull Requests
Pull requests help with the review and merge process by notifying team members that your work is ready for review, and by making it easy for all to collaborate on the changes before merging them into the origin branch.
You can create a pull request by selecting Create a Pull Request from the popup message that shows following a branch publish.

You can also find the option at any time from the menu at the top right.

This will take you to the GitHub website where you'll be able to finalize the pull request. Refer to the GitHub article on this topic.
Codux supports creating pull requests for GitHub and merge requests for GitLab repositories directly through the product. You need to be logged into your GitHub or GitLab account to do this. Pull requests for other remote Git providers aren't yet supported by Codux.
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