Publishing Your Codux Project

When you're ready to share your work or test your application in a live environment, Codux makes it easy to deploy your project using Wix Headless services. Publishing a project in Codux creates a preview version of your site, hosted on a Codux-specific URL, where you can refine your application before making it widely available.
Just click on the Publish button to get started.
To use a custom domain instead of a free Codux domain, follow the link that appears beneath the free domain:

Connecting to Wix Services 

If you haven't yet connected your project to a Wix Headless site, you'll see a dialog prompting you to do so.
Head to the Wix Services panel to connect your site. Then, select Publish again and agree to the terms and conditions.

Publishing Your Project 

When you start the publish process, you'll see a dialog indicating the status and steps involved – uploading files, installing dependencies, building the app, and deploying it. This may take several minutes to complete. You can continue working in Codux while the process completes by running the process in the background.
After successful publication, you'll receive a URL where your project is live and accessible.
Remember, you can always republish your project when you make changes by repeating this process.

Troubleshooting Site Visibility 

If you’ve published your site for the first time but can’t view it in your browser, it’s probably just a temporary issue related to propagation or SSL. Refer to Troubleshooting Site Visibility for more information.