About Git in Codux

You may have heard of Git — an open source version control system that manages files associated with projects on your computer. When it comes to handling local file changes, Git allows you to commit changes and track progress in your project over time. Every time you make a change to a local file, Git will record the change in its database and provide you with an opportunity to review the exact change made whenever needed.
Codux strips out all the complexity that would otherwise be involved in issuing Git commands in terminal windows, making it simple for all users to work together in sync.
Here are some of the features you can look forward to:
  • Clone (add a remote Git project) to your computer.
  • Create branches to keep your work tasks separate from those of your team, and to help with the review of your work when ready.
  • Sync your local work and your branch when the time is right by creating a pull request to collaborate with your peers, and receive reviews from them.
You'll need a GitHub account with the appropriate permissions to access your organization's GitHub repositories. If you're cloning a private project from another Git remote provider (like GitLab), you'll first have to create an SSH key on your computer to authenticate with the repository, and then use the project's SSH link.
Read on to learn about branches and how to create, sync, and merge them, how to commit and revert changes, handle conflicts, create pull requests, and view commit history.