Add Elements Panel

The Add Elements panel lets you insert new HTML elements and inner components into your components. You can open it by clicking the + icon above the Elements panel, or by pressing A on your keyboard when the Elements panel or stage is active. Then, just drag and drop an element into the panel or board, or click on it to insert it under the currently-selected node.
Codux simplifies your work by adding some related elements automatically when you insert certain HTML element types. For example, if you insert an unordered list element, Codux will also include three list item (<li>) elements inside it. You can edit or delete these elements as needed.

Use Boards with Components in Add Elements panel 

Boards contain components or HTML elements that have specific permutations of props, states, and styles for more specific use cases. To add components to the Add Elements panel that are based on boards so that you can reuse them, toggle the setting for each board in the board's settings panel. See here for more information.
If a board in the Add Elements panel shows up as invalid, refer here from troubleshooting information.

Scan for Additional Components 

When you run your project in Codux, only components on boards are accessible by default. This is by design to speed up the program's loading time. If you want to add a component that isn't already on a board (or you know it's in your project, but you can't see it), you may want to run a scan using the Scan for components button in the Local Components area.