About the Website Starter Template

The website starter project template is a single-page application that includes a home page, an about page, a header, a footer, and a mobile-friendly home page.
This is primarily a quick start template designed for immediate use and learning. It comes equipped with a React router, sample pages, and a structured layout of an app, all of which can be easily customized to jumpstart your own app development. If you're seeking a more intricate project with a broader range of technologies to dissect, check out our Portfolio template.
You'll find this project in Codux in the New Projects page with all the other templates.

Changing Styles 

Select an element that you see on these boards that you want to restyle. Then, in the Styles panel by the selector, choose View code to jump straight to the stylesheet where these styles are defined.
To view and change the variables in the project, head to the Files panel and open theme.module.scss.
For general information on working with fonts, see here, and for variables, here.