Configuring Maximum Rendered Elements

Components can sometimes render infinitely, either by intention, or by accident. Infinite rendering occurs when you have an Element A that calls an Element B, and then Element B calls Element A back, repeating the cycle.
Codux's built-in error-detection-system called Safe Render detects cyclic errors like these to prevent a user's browser from freezing up.
Elements that Codux cannot show because of an error will not work outside Codux either. If you see an error, it shouldn't be taken lightly.

Changing Safe Render's Limit  

By default, no single component is able to render more than 100 times on the stage. You can have as many components as you'd like on the stage at one time, but a particular component cannot render more than this many times on the stage by default.
To change the limit for how many components may render onstage, or to turn Safe Render off altogether, configure the maxInstancesPerComponent property in codux.config.json.
In the example below, we've set the limit to 250 instances. It is not advisable to set this number higher than 300, as depending on the component type, the page can become unresponsive when rendering that many instances.
Set maxInstancesPerComponent to 0 or undefined to disable the feature.